Privacy Policy

Effective date: 24 May 2018

Welcome to the website of S.r.l. (in the continuation of the document ""), Data Controller based in Via F. Filzi, 5, Milan. The email address of our Privacy Officer is

Your privacy is very important to us, so we want to let you know how we collect and use information about you.

Our Company always pays special attention to personal data processing and protection for its Customers, Users, Suppliers, Collaborators, and all those with whom it comes into contact. For this reason, to ensure maximum compliance with the legislation; Legislative Decree June 30, 2003 n. 196, and of the EU Regulation 2016/679, has adopted a suitable Privacy Organizational Model.

The Code and the Regulation in question provide that those who process personal data are obliged to inform the interested party on which data is being processed and on certain elements that qualify the processing: it must be carried out correctly, legally, and transparently, protecting your privacy and your rights. Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679, we provide the following information.

Why this Policy?

This page describes how to manage our site in relation to the processing of the personal data of users that interact with it.

This is an informative note which is given to those who interact with the services web, accessible electronically from the address: https:\\

The information is provided only for the site and not for others sites web possibly consulted by the user via link.The information is also based on the Recommendation n. 2/2001 that the European authorities for the protection of personal data, gathered in the Group established by the art. 29 of the directive n. 95/46 / CE , adopted May 17, 2001 to identify some minimum requirements for the collection of personal data & nbsp; online , and, in particular, methods, timing and the nature of the information that data controllers must provide to users when they link to web pages, regardless of the purpose of the link.

What information do we collect?

Browsing data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This information is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.

This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users connecting to the site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, time of the request, method used in submitting request to the server, size of the file obtained in response, numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server (success, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's IT environment .

These data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning, and are deleted immediately after processing. This data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site.


Our Cookie Policy is available here.

Data provided voluntarily by the user

Optional submission, explicit and voluntary e-mail to the addresses indicated on this site or the compilation of appropriate forms, involves subsequent acquisition of the sender's address and personal data necessary to respond to requests and / or provide the requested services, as well as any other personal information included in the message (and in the attachments to it) or in the specific forms.

This data will be processed in a computer and telematic way, to respond to requests and / or provide the requested service.

Why do we collect this information?

We collect this information for the following purposes:
- Responding to your requests;
- Sending you our Newsletter;
- Providing and managing services;
- Further developing, customizing and improving our services, based on the common or personal preferences, experiences and difficulties of Visitors and Users
- Providing our customers with ongoing customer support and technical support;
- Considering the candidacy of recruitment candidates and
- Complying with legal obligations.

With whom do we share your information? may share your information with third parties (or otherwise grant them access) only in the following ways and in the following cases:

Third-party services collaborates with a number of selected service providers, whose services and solutions are integrated with our own, in order to facilitate and improve them.

These are hosting and co-location server services, communications, IT security services, billing and payment processing services, marketing services, fraud detection and prevention services, web analysis, newsletter distribution and services monitoring, session and remote access registration services, content providers and our legal and financial consultants.

These Third Party Services may receive or otherwise have access to the Personal Information of our Users, in their entirety or in part, depending on their particular roles and purposes aimed at facilitating and improving our Services and may use them only for such purposes.

Fulfillment of legal obligations may disclose or otherwise grant others access to the User's Personal Information pursuant to a legal obligation, such as summons, court proceedings, a search warrant, a court order, or pursuant to of the laws in force, if it believes in good faith that this conduct is required by law, with or without prior notice to the User.

Companies linked to

We may share Personal Information internally with companies in our group, for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. Furthermore, in the event of a change in the corporate control structure of s.r.l. or of one of its affiliates, for example through the merger, acquisition or take-over of substantially all of its assets, the User's Personal Information may be shared with the parties involved in such event.

If we believe in good faith that this change in the corporate control structure could substantially affect the User's Personal Information filed with us, we will inform the User by e-mail and / or give extensive notice on our Site of this event and the choices available to the User regarding their Personal Information.

When can we contact you?

Promotional messages

By subscribing to our newsletter and providing us with the e-mail address or other contact information, the User expressly agrees to receive promotional content by email.

If you do not wish to receive such promotional messages, the User can notify at any time or follow the instructions for cancellation or interruption of the registration contained in received promotional communications.

How long do we keep the information?

We may retain the User's Personal Information as long as necessary for the provision of our Services.

We may continue to store such Personal Information even after termination of use of any particular Service, as it is reasonably necessary to comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes regarding our Users, prevent fraud and abuse, respect contracts signed and / or protect our legitimate interests.

Your rights and how to contact us

We remind you that you have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of personal data concerning you processed by us and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request for its integration, update or rectification.

You also have the right to request deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as to request the limitation or oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment.

Requests should be addressed:
- via e-mail, to our Privacy Officer:
- or by mail, to Privacy Officer - S.r.l., Via Filzi 5, 20124 Milan.